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Save America: Wake up, Stand up, Think for Yourself

Welcome to Eric Rice’s author site. Hopefully, you have arrived here because you are a fan of our first novel in the America at the Brink saga, “What Can One Man Do?”, or a friend has referred you. In either case, welcome.

I have twin goals in writing these novels. First, I want you, the reader, to be entertained and engaged in how the story progresses. Second, I hope to use this as a parable, pointing out a “what if” scenario of how our future might look based on decisions being made today.

I chose fiction for two reasons as well. The first is because I want to look forward, telling the story of a future America. As a “history” of what happened over the time covered in our saga, from someone who “lived” through these times.

My second reason is a bit more complicated. I wanted to be challenged as a writer. Fiction is much harder to write than non-fiction (let the hate mail begin). There are a ton of non-fiction books on the market by every talking head on every side of the political spectrum. After a while, they are all regurgitating the same set of opinions, railing against every decision and claiming how we are all doomed if we do not agree with them and their suggestions.

I did not want to write yet another of these, especially since I am truly a nobody. No journalism degree, no byline, no TV show, no public service. I am one of the rabble, affected by all the decisions of these elites, just like you. Normal concerned citizens who cannot understand what happened to simple common sense. You are the people I am writing this to entertain and educate.

This site will deal primarily with any events or publishing news as I release future material. If you would like to join the conversation, please subscribe to my companion Substack site, Eric Rice’s Wake up, Stand up, and Think for Yourself, here. You can subscribe for free and if you like the content, join my subscriber side where I will also serialize the new chapters of my novels as they are completed.

And of course, if you have not yet purchased your copy of my book, visit the published works page.

Wake up, Stand up, and Think for Yourself (WST4Y).

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By Eric Rice

After decades of working in high-tech software, traveling the world, and seeing different societies I now have enough life experiences to tell this story. A student of history and observer of cause and effect, I believe in the power of the silent majority. We only need to find our voice and return to common sense as the first principle of freedom and liberty.

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